Saturday, August 15, 2009

A Bad Day

Orig: 05/20/08

And You Thought Your Day Was Starting Bad ...

This poor guy went to bed last night on my front porch with his two brothers and mom, and this morning ......

(Below was a picture of a little bird sitting atop my front porch bench, with a fallen and broken nest below). -- Sorry, I can't figure out how to post that!

Orig: 05/222/08

Bad Day II

In light of Ford announcements today, and some of your responses to my birdie "bad news day" note, I thought it appropriate to follow up to my original note.

In response to some of the comments I received: 1)Awww. Are you going to feed it? 2)Did you get a cat? and 3)You need to set up a bird feeder, since they like your porch. My responses are 1)No. 2)No. and 3)Most emphatically, NO!

The real points to be had from the picture and the bird's shock at being thrown from the nest were, in my opinion: 1)For my godchildren whom I also sent the pictures to: Someday you too will be tossed from the nest by mom. Don't be surprised like the bird in the picture. 2)For the moms/dads: Ahhhh, there will come a day of peace in the house when they're gone -- ready or not, and 3)For the rest of us: Shit happens.

But the real point for everyone is the bigger picture of life, all life, including ours. There is a constant growing up, radical unexpected changes, and scary events -- like an unexpected Ford announcement. But in thinking about the bird, what is scary for him now will be a very joyful memory in the future, as he soars among the clouds in a freedom he couldn't have imagined in the crowded nest. The same for us. Things often don't go as we planned, but we're more intelligent than a bird, and we know all things are temporary, and we'll eventually soar even higher. Just have faith.

Relative to that particular bird in the picture, like his brothers/sisters, a half hour after I took the picture, he was gone. I saw him throughout the day flying between trees around the front of the house, getting more confident in his abilities and freedom. Mom I never saw again; I guess she went to Florida to celebrate.

OH, and relative to this note's subject line: Shortly after I sent the note on the bird to you, I went out to clean out the garden, in preparation for this year's planting. In the middle of the garden I found a nest of bunnies. You know, the garden which I have rabbit fencing around to KEEP THE BUNNIES OUT. Oh well, I guess the garden will wait for a week or so until they are gone also.

Shit happens.

Hope you are having a good day.

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