Monday, August 24, 2009

Oh What A Beautiful Day!

Oh what a beautiful morning, oh what a beautiful day! I’ve got a wonderful feeling …

It’s a beautiful, clear crisp fall morning – in the middle of summer – and I feel like singing. (For those who have heard my singing – think other thoughts.) The bright sun was in my eyes as I returned from mass a few minutes ago, and a beautiful symphony was playing on the radio. All is well in my world. I’ll write this note, jot off a few letters to friends and relatives, and then head out to the garden.

The second picking of green beans is ready. They were wonderful this year, long and straight and crisp. Then I’ll pick a couple of the large butternut squash, and maybe even cook one up for dinner. And maybe I’ll even pick a couple of the tomatoes which are starting to turn red. Soon, I’ll be making large batches of spaghetti sauce and chili for freezing for the winter. Mmmmmm. Ain’t God grand!?

I know not a few of you are saying something like: “Well, lucky you.” You don’t exactly feel like singing right now. I have no quick “This will make you feel better” response. In most of life’s challenges, there are no quick answers. If you are feeling down, you either need to have faith that it will pass – and it will! -- or work on making yourself feel better. And that WILL take WORK. I’ve tried to help you with the meditations I’ve been writing, but just reading quickly through them won’t help much. Many of the reflections are on how I have been helped, but they are primarily for you -- for you to read, and reflect upon, to help you to WORK on your life, to make it better, to make it happier. I want you, my friends, to feel the Joy I feel in my life – even in the hard times. With Joy in your heart, even the worst will not seem so bad.

I stopped for coffee at the 7-11 on the way to church. The woman there said she was reading her Social Security statement, and believed that if she continued to work 6 nights a week until she was 70, she could live on Social Security. She commented that she heard one woman come into the store and complain how she couldn’t make ends meet on “only” $1500/week. “I’ll never see that kind of money in my life,” she said. But I’ve spoken to this woman for years. She has Joy in her life. With her meager salary, she still cares for the needs of her adult “children”, takes the grandkids out for a day, and helps her poorer neighbors. She does have joy.

I’ve written in the past that your Joy isn’t about money. It isn’t about your present relationship with your boss, your spouse, your kids, or even your God. From moment to moment, those relationships will change – sometimes for the good, sometimes for the bad. But they will be that way for only the moment. If you have faith, if you have true, giving love, if you really know God, you will not ever be alone at those hard times. You will know he is there, holding you, caressing your hand, drying your tears. And even in the absolute worst of times, you will find Joy.

I wish you Joy, always, my friends. If you haven’t found it, begin to WORK. It’s there to be had. It will make your life easier. It will make you happy in each and every moment, and in all eternity.

It’ll make you want to sing.

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