Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Ups and Downs

I wrote on Sunday of my “dis-peace” that day from seeing a prominent display of a “swimsuit” magazine in the local 7-11. This morning as I stopped for my coffee, the display was still in your face as you walked in, but the manager was working today. Weeeeellllllll, I was set to give him a what-for, but started out slowly: “What a way to start my morning, a semi-porn display in my face. If you want to increase sales of these magazines, perhaps you should put free condoms next to them.” I like being subtle.

The manager wouldn’t look me in the eye, but said: “I agree, it’s sad what our country views as a priority. I’ll move the display.” Ah, um, ah, well, um, -- I was struck silent, even before I could voice my “real” feelings. I had assumed he was only in it for the profit, and nothing else mattered. I know; I know what “assume” stands for and does, it makes an ass of you and me – and me especially. How easily I jump to conclusions about another’s motives, without even asking them. I suppose that’s why gossip and slander are high up there on the sin list – but obviously no matter how high, if it’s a sin I can manage to reach it. Instead of standing and reaching, I’d be much better off kneeling and bowing. Thank you, Lord, for putting me in my place so clearly.

So this day started on an up and a down, the up being the store manager’s response, the down being, well …, me. When I got to church and read my morning prayers, things got further put into perspective. I’ll show you a few lines I had underlined in my book:

My son, forget not my teaching, keep in mind my commands;
For many days, and years of life, and peace, will they bring you.
Let not kindness and fidelity leave you;
Then will you win favor and good esteem before God and man.
Trust in the Lord with all your heart, on your own intelligence rely not;
Be not wise in your own eyes.
Honor the Lord with your wealth.
The discipline of the Lord, my son, disdain not; spurn not his reproof:
For whom the Lord loves he reproves.
Happy the man who finds wisdom, he is happy who holds her fast
Proverbs 3:1-20

There are three ways for wisdom or prudence to abound in you: if you confess your sins, if you give thanks and praise, and if your speech is edifying. In the beginning of his speech the just man is his own accuser, next he gives glory to God, and thirdly, if his wisdom extends that far, he edifies his neighbor.
From a sermon by Saint Bernard, abbot.

Do not fret because of the wicked; do not envy those who do evil.
If you trust in the Lord and do good, then you will live in the land and be secure.
Trust in him and he will act.
Calm your anger and forget your rage; do not fret, it only leads to evil.
The patient shall inherit the land.
Surrender to God, and he will do everything for you.
Learn to do God’s will; wait for the Lord to lead
Psalm 37

Life has many ups and downs, some last a day, some seem to go on forever, but each will end. I feel better about things, and am ready for this Lent to begin tomorrow. Lord, grant me wisdom and peace; help me to do your will. I will try to wait for you to lead.

P.S. While I’m on the topic of my minor ups and downs, I mentioned my Christmas tree still being up in my living room. I had justified my laziness by saying I had other priorities, it would be nice for Valentine’s Day, and even It’s not Lent yet. And well, here we are. Yesterday I went grocery shopping and noticed Easter baskets were on display, so I bought a big one for my Godchild, while they were still available. So, now there sits a large Easter basket under my Christmas tree. Hmmm. I don’t know what to say, except that I am busy today too. (And besides, I greatly enjoy the ornament a friend gave me: when you push the button it sings “I wanna hippopotamus for Christmas …”). :- ))

I hope that all your ups and downs are small ones, and you can enjoy the ride without becoming anxious.

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