Sunday, June 27, 2010

Learning From God

As I leave my car for the short walk to church, I turn and see the full moon in the clear night sky. I say a Hail Mary for our country. “Mary, He said He would not destroy Sodom if He could find but ten righteous men there. Are there not ten in our country? Mother, please pray for His mercy on us.”

Inside the Adoration chapel, in front of me and before God, a student studies. He looks serious as he pores over the text, glancing occasionally at his notes. Perhaps he is studying for a test; perhaps he studies Scripture; I do not know. Sometimes he pauses and stares at the monstrance, and the large host it contains.

I wish I had the opportunity when I was studying to study – and pray – before the Blessed Sacrament: “Lord, guide my thoughts. Teach me what You would have me know. Strengthen my heart and mind, that I might never forget it.” Were those opportunities there in my life, but I failed to see them? Was God calling to me; was I too distracted to hear?

So much of my college learning was quickly forgotten. Useful data for passing a test, but with no thought of how it might be useful in my life. I wish I had the chance to pray for Wisdom, as I studied. I wish I had the chance to be in the presence of God, to make my efforts a holy thing. I could have, perhaps, learned so many lessons --- the easy way.

My cell phone buzzes. A friend texts me: “Please pray for my mom.” I respond: “I am” and then pause to ask Jesus for His mercy. The disruption does not disturb me; is this not what friends are for? These friends are some of the sheep He brings into my life, the lambs He gives me the opportunity to bring close to His care that they might not be lost – or afraid. I tell Him they need Him and His Holy Spirit, now (Lk 9:23). I trust in the Shepherd.

How can you love someone, if you don’t pray for them?

The student kneels and extends his arms wide, opening his heart to God. He bows, picks up his texts and leaves the chapel.

Remembering my earlier prayer I think: “Is he a righteous one, God?” I hear only silence.

Even as he leaves, a couple walks in and prays a few moments, to seek His presence and His will. It’s late at night, but not too late to spend some time in prayer with God.

It’s never too late --- to seek His Wisdom, or pray for His mercy: for our country, or for our friends. Or for ourselves.

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