Saturday, January 1, 2011

Mary, Mother of God

We greeted the new year last night in prayer. In the church, people of the parish gathered, gave praise, and prayed for the world. And yes, we celebrated; the prayers and hymns were lively and bright; there is much to celebrate, and from ten until midnight, we did. God is so good to us, and I know how good He is to me. And I was thankful for those friends with me, and around me, who help make my life what I can make of it, and what He can make of it. We raised our voices together, but my heart, in silence, sang much louder and more beautiful than my voice.

And in the nearby adoration chapel, the few people gathered to speak to Him very personally, and give Him the never-ending praise, as best we can create while here on earth. Our hearts were joined last evening.

Meanwhile, in the parish where I attend daily mass, a special adoration of the Blessed Sacrament was taking place from eleven to midnight, and the people came to God to give him praise and thanks for the year ending, and then at midnight mass began, and it was God’s turn to give thanks and to come to us. Our commitment to be there for Him, followed by His commitment to be there for us. I was torn, earlier in the evening, which church gathering of praise I would attend. I’m sure He was looking down on my thoughts and saying: “It matters not, as long as we are together.” That’s the way it is with people in love.

The Church designates certain days as feast days, to celebrate certain events or people. On January 1, it is for Mary, Mother of God. I always thought that appropriate. From our point of view, humanity’s point of view, our world started then, our eternal and now never-ending world began then, with her motherhood of Jesus. Mankind was elevated from that of Adam and Eve, cast out of the Garden, but now through Jesus, invited back in. Invited back in to stay forever. That invitation started with an invitation to Mary: “Will you open the doorway to the world of men, for God to enter?” And with her yes the door was opened that would never close again.

The Church teaches that on the cross when Jesus gave His mother to John, His most beloved apostle: “Behold your mother,” He also gave Mary to us, as our Mother. I am thankful to think of her in that way, as my heavenly mother, chosen by God for me, but I also like to put myself in that moment in time, and imagine myself as the one He is speaking to, His beloved apostle. How I wish that I could be thought of in that way.

We started out this new year together, and I know it is up to me to keep us that way. If I have no other resolutions there is this one: I shall try. I hope, my friends, that you add that one to your list also.

Stay with me, Lord, for it is You alone I look for, Your Love, Your Grace, Your Will, Your Heart, Your Spirit, because I love You and ask no other reward but to love You more and more.

With a firm love, I will love You with all my heart while on earth, and continue to love You perfectly during all eternity.

Holy Mary, Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. Amen.


  1. DNBA,

    I loved what you wrote here: 'I’m sure He was looking down on my thoughts and saying: “It matters not, as long as we are together.” That’s the way it is with people in love. Yes! I often wrestle with similar dilemmas. Do I go to this Mass or do that devotion? Am I supposed to be doing this good work or getting more sleep? God what is it You want me to do here?! And then I imagine Him smiling at me and saying, 'Do not be afraid. Do not worry. All is well. Just BE with me. LOVE me. Be still and KNOW me. All is well. ALL is well in me. I love you!'

  2. Amen, Booklady, amen.

    I've been posting some scenes from the town in recent posts, and from the parishes where I go to morning mass and weekend mass and adoration. The picture at this post is the grotto outside the main entrance to the parish church where I go to mass most mornings. It is a beautiful thing.
