Thursday, April 7, 2011

Put Off The Old

I put the “bear” in the closet over the weekend. Regardless what the weather in the coming weeks may be, I’ll wear my spring coat; the winter coat is gone, and I’ll not put it on again for a while. I will it so!

Part of the arrival of Spring is in our attitude. I looked outside last week and saw the daffodils with flower buds, and the hyacinth's green tops peeking through the mulch. They made a commitment to Spring, and stood regardless of the snowflakes which fell this week, or the freezing temperatures that chilled them to their roots. In many of the big changes of our lives, at critical points of awareness where we know we should --- no, we must! --- make changes, I believe the most important change we can make is like those of the plants, a change of heart and a commitment which says: “I will do this.”

We’re halfway through Lent. Did you make any commitments, even half-hearted ones? Now is the time to turn these thoughts or desires into firm commitments of will: “I will do this!” Any human growth, losing weight, giving up smoking, or exercising more requires such a will, or the progress will stop.

Much more so any commitments to spiritual growth.

This Lent I’ve been exercising at 4:30AM most every day, and last week the Christmas tree came down. It’s a start, a firm one.


  1. The Christmas tree came down? On it's own? (HA)

  2. Hey, kam, one of my other Lenten resolutions is to read the Litany of Humility each day. So, taking down the tree is a humble beginning. (And one my neighbors and cleaning lady appreciate!)
