Saturday, July 7, 2012

Catechism Study

My post titled:  Self Evangelization a few weeks ago led me to start up a catechism study class at my home.  It meets weekly, and we read the catechism, intending to grow in our understanding of the Christian, and in some cases specifically Catholic, faith.

We are starting with the section of the catechism titled:  My Life In Christ, which is focused on living out our Christian life.  This has meaning not only to Catholics; most of the doctrines stated in this section of the catechism apply to all Christian faiths.  This is about learning our faith, and understanding how we are to live, in this increasingly post-Christian culture in America.

I've set up a blog and format for anyone to follow along.  Each week, I'll post the readings of the catechism for that week, giving time for anyone to read and offer comments on the blog site.  Then after the group meets at my home on Tuesday nights, I'll post summary thoughts of mine.  That way anyone can follow along, in an organized study of the catechism.

This year has been designated as the year of faith.  I encourage everyone to do something to improve their knowledge of their faith, so that they might truly live it.

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