Sunday, August 14, 2016


It was a kind of buzzing sound outside my back window that first made me aware that something unusual was happening, and as I looked out through the curtains I saw this thing in the sky.  I’ve seen lots of unusual things in my life --- and I have trust in God --- but, good grief, I admit I was scared.
I thought it might quickly go away, and when it didn’t I grabbed my phone and called the police.  It seemed the right thing to do.  And then I thought, well, others should be aware of this potentially dangerous thing, --- or at least it seemed so --- and so I called the local news station too.  I guess there must have been some other story being covered nearby, because both the news truck and the police car arrived at my home at the same time.
I told them again what I had seen, and well, quite frankly, I think they thought I was nuts.  “Time for the guys in the white coats” their looks said.  But I think they could see how scared I was, and so they followed me around to the back of the house to see this thing --- and despite their words of skepticism, I noticed that the cop had taken out his gun.
To my relief, I guess, I saw the thing was still there in the sky, and I was also relieved to see that they both saw it too.  They stood, silently for a bit, and then I saw the cop holster his gun.  “I saw something like this in the area once before,” he said.  “It’s not dangerous.  I did some research on it.  It’s called rain, and …”
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Thank You, Lord
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It’s cloudy today.  I was hoping for more rain, but it doesn’t look like it’s going to happen.  It may be another two months before it rains again.
I spent much of this weekend with friends, in dinners, brunches, and good conversation.  They told me their woes --- I tried to be understanding --- and I told them mine.  And in the midst of that, it rained.
It would have been easy to ignore the rain, if it hadn’t been so rare this summer.  Thinking on it, and my friends, I wonder how many other rare, good things happen to us, and we don’t notice.
I think having good friends are like that.  We need to appreciate them more.  We need to thank God for them more.
We can’t really appreciate, in this topsy-turvy world, how very rare they are, and how blessed we are to have them.
Thank You, Lord

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