Wednesday, February 21, 2018

All You Have to Do is Believe

It’s almost funny how scientists once believed the earth was the center of the universe.  They KNEW it, and you were delusional if you did not believe.  How many people today say they know things, when all they really know is what is right in front of their nose, and even then, they often don’t see things clearly.
How often have you asked: “Where are you, God?” 
I wrote a blog post about that a few days back, and even titled it that question.  I wrote about how I was blessed to see God’s workings in 6 strangers, who all were there, in the right place, at the right time, doing just what was needed --- all part of God’s workings, and I was blessed to see this, this miracle.
And a few days later, a woman came up to me in church and said: “God told me to help you.”
And Fr. John Riccardo, who I know reads probably almost as much as I do, said in Friday’s homily that he had a book he wanted to recommend for Lenten reading:  The Crucifixion, Understanding the Death of Jesus Christ.  And so, I went out and bought copies for my Bible Study friends, and began reading it myself.  “The cross is the heart of Christianity,” I am reading.
And tonight, I picked up a video, one of a pile a friend gave me, and without even glancing at what it was about, opened the package ---- it was unopened; she had not even seen this one herself before she gave it to me --- and then put the disc in the CD player.  The video is titled:  Do You Believe, Experience the Power of the Cross.  It was a most moving video, about not 6, but 12 unrelated people, and how God worked among them, through the crosses in their lives --- the bad things that turned out to be so good, in the big picture of things.  Twice as many people as I had personally experienced, so I guess the movie was twice as good as what happened to me. 
And perhaps it was.
Fr John recommended the book; I think I’ll recommend the video for him, on the same topic, that God in his way put in front of my eyes.
Where are you, God?  He’s in my life, and in yours, if you let Him.  If you believe.

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