Wednesday, July 19, 2017

Mere Children

Matt 11:25-30
I read reflections on today’s Gospel in the book, The Better Part (Meditation 37).  Often, I read others’ words and insights come to me and I write them here, but I can’t conceive of words better than the ones I read today, which burned, and so for those who don’t read that book (and as a reminder to myself), I quote them here:

Christ The Teacher
To encounter God requires only one thing.  Not intellectual prowess, worldly excellence, or sophisticated achievements, but simplicity.  God gives himself to those who are “mere children” --- to those who are childlike.  The mark of children is not innocence, most often they are quite mischievous.  It is not ignorance, for they often surprise us with their insights and thoughtful questions.  Nor is it helplessness, for many of them are streetwise survivors, as often seen in situations of poverty and war.
The mark of the child is trust.  Children readily put their trust in those given charge over them (until that trust is violated).  It is natural for children to depend on their parents, to follow unquestioningly their older siblings.  They have not yet developed the average adult’s haughty air of self-sufficiency.  By word and example (as for example in the Garden of Gethsemane) Jesus teaches us that intimacy with God requires trust above all.  Faith is trusting that what God reveals is true; hope is trusting that what he promises will come about; love is trusting that what he asks us to do is what we should do.  If we put our trust in God, and not in ourselves, we will find God.
Christ in My Life
I want to know you, Lord.  I want to know what you care about, what’s on your mind and in your heart.  I want to know what makes you smile.
Lord, I know you don’t judge me, because you promise that you are meek and lowly of heart.  How hard it is for me not to judge!  How much grief I cause myself and others by my outbursts of vanity, arrogance, and anger!  I want to learn from you, Lord, and I know you want to teach me.  Jesus, meek and humble of heart, make my heart more like yours.
Lord, why do I think I can do everything by myself?  You designed me to need other people, to help other people, and to depend upon God for everything.  This is the law of your universe.  Like a little child in its mother’s arms, so I keep myself in you, O Lord.  Teach me to trust you and to obey your will.

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