Sunday, July 16, 2017

Bearing Fruit

I am the vine; you are the branches.
Whoever remains in me and I in him,
will bear much fruit.
– Jn 15:5
I was reading the Sunday gospel meditation in The Better Part (Meditation 42) where I read the above line.  And something new struck me.
I had a focus of late on helping others, and in my mind, I was thinking that I was bearing some fruit.  I was hearing His word, taking it to heart, and doing good things --- bearing fruit.  But, … read the above Scripture words again.  I “will bear much fruit.”  Think on that.  What is good fruit good for?  Fruit is good for two purposes.  One, it falls to the ground and seeds within the fruit sprout, take root and a new plant is generated.  In effect, the plant that generated the fruit has made a difference in the world; what it started will continue on.  Making a difference in this world, for the better from our good fruits, is a good thing.  Parents are a good example of that.
The second thing good fruit is for is eating.  It is taken by someone and eaten, to give that person sustenance, to help him grow.  Now the person eating the fruit won’t grow into the plant that produced the fruit --- I eat oranges but I will not turn into an orange tree --- but, oranges do have some influence on my life, if only to enable it to continue on.
The key point I noticed about the two benefits of the good fruit was that: That is not my initial perception of the benefits of MY good fruit.  I wrote that I was thinking that “I was hearing His words, taking it to heart, and doing good things --- bearing fruit.”  My initial perception was that my bearing good fruit was a benefit to me, but that’s not the two benefits of good fruit I subsequently described:  My good fruits are directly to benefit others, not me!  God’s telling us to do good things for others, not to selfishly do them to benefit ourselves.
And in The Better Part’s final prayer I read these words (and took them to heart):
Jesus, you compare my soul to a garden.  Your word has taken root there, but that
doesn’t mean that I can coast along.  Gardens need tending … Jesus, help me to know myself better.  Show me what is choking your grace.  Give me the strength to root it out … I want to bear fruit that will last.
Never let me give up on the souls you have entrusted to my care.  Reach out through me to save many souls.
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Henri Nouwen’s The Genesee Diary is about the time he spent living with monks, and learning from them.  He wrote:
“When people are kind and friendly toward me, I feel happy because I think that they are
attracted to me.  (But I noticed) the monk who is nice and good to me proves to be just as nice
and good to everyone else.  (So) I am obviously not more or less attractive than others.  I tended to react by thinking: ‘Well, if he is just as friendly to everyone else as he is me, his friendliness cannot be real.  His is friendly because he is supposed to be friendly.  His love is only the result of obedience.  It is not natural. Underneath his friendly surface he probably couldn’t care less about me as an individual.
There was something very important I was missing.  I knew it simply because the story I told myself was not true.  The monks who show me love, show love to me not as an abstraction but as a real individual with his own strengths and weaknesses.  The love they show me is based on the real me.  So, although their love for me is not exclusive, particular, or unique, it is certainly not general, abstract, impersonal, or just an act of obedience to the rule.
It is important for me to realize how limited, imperfect, and weak my understanding of love has been.  My idea of love proves to be (1) exclusive: ‘You only love me truly if you love others less;’ and (2) possessive: ‘If you really love me, I want you to pay special attention to me;’ and (3) manipulative: ‘When you love me, you will do extra things for me.’  And my ideas of love lead to (4) vanity: “You must see something very special in me,’ to (5) jealously: ‘Why are you now suddenly so interested in someone else and not in me?’ and to (6) anger: ‘I am going to let you know that you have let me down and rejected me.’  But …
Love is always patient and kind; it is never jealous; love is never boastful or conceited; it is never rude or selfish; it does not take offense, and is not resentful. – 1Cor 13:4-5
It is this understanding of love that I must slowly learn.  (Earlier in this book, Nouwen had noted how the monks live under the Rules of Benedict, to put rigid order into their lives so that they could not be concerned with earthly distractions --- the rules cover everything they do --- but can focus, undistractedly, on God.  ‘We are called to a radical break away from ourselves and a total surrender to God.’ With that in mind, he continues here:) I am beginning to experience that an unconditional, total love of God makes a very articulate, alert, and attentive love for the neighbor possible.  What I often call ‘love of neighbor too often proves to be a tentative, partial, or momentary attraction, … but when love of God is indeed my first concern, a deep love for my neighbor can grow.’
Thomas Merton commenting on this says: ‘This is the high point of Bernard’s Christian humanism.  It shows that the fulfillment of our destiny is not merely to be lost in God, … but above all in the fact that we see his will done in us.’”
What Nouwen has learned is that love for God cannot but be acted out in love for others, who are made in His image.  We love Him, so that we can love others. So, when God’s grace is in us it flows out in good fruit, causing others to be uniquely attracted to us, then we, seeing their unique aspect of God’s love, His loveliness, His fruit, will be attracted to them.
Everyone, from the richest to the poorest, the comeliest to the ugliest, the meanest to the meekest has some attractive aspect of God shining out of them, even if it is only through the ugliness, the anger and the meanness, and the glitzy outer shell that we can see God softly saying: “Please!  Love me!”
And if we love God, we will love Him in those we meet, and be in some way drawn to taste His fruit there.
And (in conclusion) this morning I read these words of a Psalm-prayer: “Lord, extolled in the heights by angelic powers, you are also praised by all earth’s creatures, each in its own way.  With all the splendor of heavenly worship, you still delight in such tokens of love as earth can offer.  May heaven and earth together acclaim you as King; may the praise that is sung in heaven resound in the heart of every creature on earth.”
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Each Sunday morning before mass I light a small vigil candle before mass and pray: “Lord, let me be a small light to those I meet, not that they see me, but You, shining through me.”  THAT is great fruit that I seek to share.  And perhaps often unsaid (but needed) is another prayer: “And may I see Your light, shining through them.”
My parish, Christ The King in Ann Arbor Michigan, is about to start the Alpha Program.  Its purpose is to help people to better see the Light of Jesus, and then themselves to be a brighter light in this world, His light shining through them, AND so they can then better see His light in others.  In a way, The Alpha Program is like what Nouwen did, a getting away from the distractions of the world for a while so that he could focus on what love of God, and of neighbor, really means for him.  Alpha is ten nights; Nouwen dropped everything and spent 7 months with the monks.  He knew he was missing something important in his life, and it was important he find it.
Loving God, loving neighbor, bearing fruit.  It takes some focused time to really, REALLY understand something that makes all the difference in the world --- and in the next.    


  1. Tom,
    Been reading Cardinal Sarah's book, The Power of Silence, after I read your recommendation of it, and knowing you are with Our Lord Jesus every night (? not sure if every night or not, but you know...) in adoration, and I want to say that it is a very powerful and wonderful book.

    I can recall when I was a little kid (before school age) this Silence in our home during the day in the late '50's early 60's. I can recall an actual tangible feeling of peace and happiness as I played with my little brother and my mom did chores during the day.

    My mom had a devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, and of course there were crucifixes in every room, a holy water font at the front door, and a framed picture of the Sacred Heart on the kitchen wall by the door.

    I love that picture. To this day...I love that picture. Sometimes it looks like it "comes alive" as if Jesus is looking right at me, with love and great mercy. The Silence that emanates from that picture is hard to describe, but I relate to what Cardinal Sarah says about Silence and God and God speaking in the Silence.

    So I just want to thank you for the book recommendation, and let you know many passages of the book make me think of you and things you have written over the years here about adoration, and being in the presence of Jesus.

    thanks for your postings on this blog.

    God bless.

  2. Yes, Fran, one of the blessings in my life is to be able to end each of my days in the adoration chapel, some for my late-night scheduled hours, and other days late afternoon or evenings to say my night prayers. It just feels like a part of my day now, and one I greatly desire.

    Yes, I agree the book on Silence is much more than I could have imagined from the title. It's funny I see your note today. I went to mass this morning at Domino's Farms home offices, where they have mass 5 times a day, and afterward stopped at the Catholic bookstore in the building. There I saw Sister Anne Shields buying a copy of Cardinal Sarah's book (you may know of Sister Anne, who is a well-known author, speaker, and Catholic radio host).

    I'm glad your heart is open to the blessings which flow from that book.

  3. Tom, I once went on a pilgrimage to Rome, Assisi, and Medjugorje run by the Franciscan University of Steubenville with Sr. Anne Shields as the trip leader. So I do know her, but that is the only time I met her, and it was about 1000 years ago, so I'm sure she would never remember me, but yes, I have heard her speak in other contexts and was on that trip with her.

    I am hoping some of the priests at my parish will read it. Maybe I'll donate a copy to them, because I think it's so significant.

