Friday, June 29, 2018

Review: An Immovable Feast

What a beautiful book, written in the language of my thinking process.  Tyler Blanski is a very intelligent man, persistent in questioning what is truth, and diligent in following “the path to a good life.”  He does the right things; he asks the right questions.  He advances; he easily makes friends, but he is different than most of them, in that he is never content.
Along the way, he makes assumptions about things he does not know, and reluctantly changes his beliefs as he sees his assumptions proved wrong.  And he has walls of books!!  And the first thing he does when focusing on a new problem or challenged belief is to order more books!  I sooooo know Tyler Blanski; I see him in the mirror every day of my life.
This is a good book to read, to walk through --- and to --- an understanding of things, Catholic things, that if not studied in depth may seem arbitrary, or assumed false.  Tyler was weeks from becoming an Anglican priest; he did not come to accept Catholic truths on some whim, but when he saw them he did not dismiss them but wondered how he did not see them in the first place.  His story of discovery and affirmation parallels my own, albeit much faster than my journey.
Non-Catholics may find this book compelling.  They may go out and buy other books!  I believe I would very much like Tyler Blanski and his wife, should our paths ever cross.  They had a long --- and lovingly united --- faith journey.  I especially liked how they so often talked about it; it was THE priority of their lives.
And in the end, it all came down to a simple question: Can I trust Him?
Today we let our kids be taught in an educational system that says: “You can only trust in yourself.”  I fear they will have a very long journey to discover the truth; I fear they won’t have the stamina to try.

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