Sunday, November 13, 2022

What's Next?


It was about 100 years ago when the Spanish Flu hit the country, killing many elderly people.  Then there was a pause; it seemed over; and then it hit all the children, who died in even greater numbers.  And now we had a Covid virus which filled our hospitals and many elderly people died, and then it paused.  And now our hospitals are again filled to overflowing, with our children with the RSV virus.  It seems like things don’t change.


It was about 100 years ago when the rich, with the consent of liberal religious, focused on electing a new government, which would make things equal for all people, eliminating prejudice and hatefulness, and the country celebrated the election of new leaders, “of the people”.

It also was about 100 years ago when a woman named Margaret Sanger promoted a way to rid the country of those who “weren’t like us”; they were children of slaves and would never be like “us”.  And she urged women to stand up for their “rights”, and to fight to legalize abortion.


Today, in Michigan, many are celebrating the election of a government which will exercise complete control of our children, born and unborn.  Abortion is unlimited, even to permitting death after birth.  Public schools educate our children on their “right” to complete sexual freedom, from early on changing their sex (or eliminating it entirely), creating new sexes, to abortion should pregnancy interfere with their sexual fun.  Social media permitted and promoted urges children to focus on “fun”.  And children in public schools may not pray or speak of God.  That is something “not good for you”, but if you must, you may go outside to pray, or smoke.

Today, it is a blessing, I think, that Proposal 3 passed in the state of Michigan. If this evil had not passed this election, it would have passed the next, as the young heavily voted for it. Our eyes are now opened.  The young heavily voted to pass the bill for unlimited abortion, and more.  They learned their lessons well in school, and acted on them.  Our children’s hearts were changed; a train was sent rushing down the tracks by our school system, and words would not stop it.   


So, what of the immediate future?  Relative to “sexual freedom” laws, it seems just a matter of time until all states pass such laws.  Public school rules are dictated by the government, which now places abortion as one of the most important “freedoms” our country can promote here, and in the world.  But there is hope.  While we still can, we can stop the train at our school system, create a new train, or tear up the tracks so no one can go that way again.  And, while we still can, we can educate parents on what their children are learning ---- while they are off using THEIR freedom to make more money or focus on their own happiness.  And, we can pray and fast, and educate our religious leaders, on how they are supposed to lead.


I said “while we still can” relative to speaking and acting against our “sexual freedom” schools and laws.  Today people who dare to speak against such “freedoms” are labeled as racist or -phobic, and risk losing their jobs.  Their social media accounts, even those used to promote their private businesses, are being shut down.  People who speak out “only” risk losing their means of livelihood and their freedom of religion --- so far.  But more may come. 

That country which elected a government to make all things equal a hundred years ago?  That was Russia, and those rich and “religious” who promoted the election of a government of freedoms?  They were among the first executed by that government, and religion was totally outlawed.  And that Planned Parenthood organization started by Margaret Sanger to abort babies “not like us”?  It now aborts ALL our babies, by the millions, especially those who WOULD BE “like us” if we had allowed them to live.

And if we continue to enact a government of freedoms, what is our future?

But, … it was about 2,000 years ago and people weren’t that much different then.  Until things began to change, as God entered the world, and He appointed apostles to continue what He taught.  We are now those apostles.


- - - - - - - - - -

Lord, make me an instrument of Thy peace;
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
And where there is sadness, joy.

O Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek
To be consoled, as to console;
To be understood, as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned,
And it is in dying that we are born to eternal life.


It's the first prayer I pray each morning.

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