Sunday, December 16, 2018

Quality Time

A recent meditation was about having a relationship with God, but it didn’t address the deliberate building of such a relationship.  Today’s Gospel reminded me.
The Gospel was about the virgins who waited late in the night for the bridegroom to arrive.  Their lanterns were ready to light the way.  But there were others who noticed they were short of oil, and who said to the prepared ones: “Give us some of your oil.”  And they replied no, they had only enough for themselves.  And one more thing:  They trusted that He was coming soon; they had to be ready.
The Church has often taught that the lamp oil referred to is in fact grace.  The prepared ones made themselves ready by amassing grace --- a relationship with God.  So, when the others came along and said “give us some,” they said no not in selfishness, but rather because it is not something you can just give to another.  If you have a relationship with someone, someone else cannot come by and say I want some of that.  Relationships are personal and are built over time, and cannot be willed to exist.  They are built with quality time.
 Every parent knows this.  Time spent reading to a child who sits on their lap is not the same as time reading to a room full of children.  Quality time is personal, one-on-one.  The person who receives quality times feels special.  The one giving quality time does so out of love, not duty; the time is not rushed.  This is the time God wants of us, for us to build a relationship with Him.  It comes to be a time we look forward to, to spend with a Friend.
“We cannot love both God and mammon.”  Quality time has to be a priority.
Time with God can be spent in a chapel, as I often do, or in the quiet of your room.  It can be spend reading His word, setting in His presence, or visiting the poor He so loves.  Quality time is time when WE amass grace and grow in holiness.  It is quality time when our heart joins His.
Then we will be ready, when He comes.
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I wrote the above last night; today is the Third Sunday of Advent., when we focus, in joy, on the coming of Jesus.  The songs sung in church were all so joyous, and it reminded me of one more important point about quality time:  it is also joyous time.  Yesterday I spent time in the chapel, had breakfast with my Alzheimer’s-ridden friend, took a poor woman to receive food for Christmas, wrapped presents with some young children, and had dinner with my dearest friend.  Looking back, they were all joyous, very joyous times.  I loved the moments, and I knew God was present with us.
That’s the point of quality time, it is not a duty, not a chore, not something on a checklist.  It is a joy.  God is with us.  Whether in His house, visiting Him, or with those He brings into our lives, He is there also, wanting to participate in our lives.  And it’s His joy, His presence --- quality time --- which gives us great joy.
Quality time with God isn’t just time spent in church; it flows over and around us like a sweet-smelling grace; it is like an oil which lights our heart’s lamp, lighting our way.  It brings us great joy, and we never want to run out.


  1. It's such a struggle sometimes, to find some quiet time for just Him. He never disappoints, though and I know I have to fight for that time with Him. Thank you for this beautiful reflection.

  2. I guess with time came feedback, things happening which I KNEW were His actions. You can see some of them above. God is in my life, and so it becomes easier for me to prioritize time with Him. Like right as I write this, two young ladies are finishing wrapping presents for me, to earn Christmas money. It's taking longer than I expected, but they are doing a good job, and I'm happy to pay them. But, it is getting later and I haven't dropped by the chapel to say my night prayers yet.

    But I will, because I really want to, that is not because I HAVE to, but I want to. I enjoy the time there; I'll tell Jesus about the girls and our conversation, and I would not be surprised that in some of my readings, He will respond in HIS ways. And I know His voice when I hear it. It is a joy to spend time with Him, but it is an "acquired taste."

    Stick with it, Cyn, He loves you.

    1. Thank you, I needed to hear that tonight. Merry Christmas! God is good!
