Saturday, November 14, 2009


“… pray without ceasing.” (1Thes 5:17)

But every time I try to pray, something distracts and interrupts me. I worry that God will give up on me.

Padre Pio’s assurance: “Do not be surprised at your distractions and spiritual aridity. This derives partly from the senses and partly from your heart which is not entirely under your control. But, your courage which God granted you is irremovable and constantly determined. Therefore, live tranquilly. You must not be anxious, however long this evil lasts.”

“Live humbly; be docile and in love with your heavenly spouse. Do not be upset by any infirmities and weaknesses into which you could fall. … Because just as one often falls without realizing it, in the same way, without realizing it, we will arise.”

“Don’t upset yourself over this, but humbly and frankly confess before God what you noticed, and place it at the sweet mercy of him who sustains those who fall without malice, so that they do not suffer any harm. He picks them up so sweetly, that they do not realize they have fallen because the hand of God sustained them in their fall ….”

Lord, teach me to be patient with myself, so that, during prayer, I do not allow those inevitable distractions to discourage me. Amen.
Padre Pio’s Words of Hope (P48)

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