Tuesday, September 18, 2018

Why Is This Happening?

I do late night adoration each Saturday night, and often don’t get to bed until 3AM (or later), but I always set the alarm to wake up for Sunday mass.
I always plan to get up at 7:30AM, shower, shave, and dress for Sunday morning church.  I plan to grab a coffee at the 7-11, and drive the 20 minutes to church.  I plan to say my Morning Prayers alone in a quiet empty room before the 9AM mass.  When I enter the church proper, I plan to light one small vigil candle, recognizing my small light in this world.  I plan to talk to no one, but worship at mass with my parish family.
None of those plans happened this past Sunday morning.
The alarm I DID set for 7:30 did not go off; I awoke at 8:45.   I didn’t fret at what happened (or didn’t), but considered: “What now?”  An option was the 11AM mass at my parish, but that would put me late for the noon pickup of the man who cuts my grass --- he needs the money --- so I decided to do the 10AM mass at Fr. Riccardo’s parish, which I often visit during the week.
I planned to arrive early and say my Morning Prayers alone in the church’s large chapel room, and then sit in the back of the church, unseen.
Those plans didn’t happen either.
Walking up to the church, I could see the chapel already occupied by some prayer group.  Detouring toward the small room behind the altar to pray, I met a long-time friend, Karen, who greeted me.  I prayed my Morning Prayers in the small room, concluding with words to Fr. Solanus Casey --- whose painted image then suddenly confronted me as I exited the prayer room.  Stunned for a few moments by the life-sized painting of the man I had been praying to, I concluded a short prayer for his intercession and then turned to head toward those back pews when I planned to sit --- and saw directly in front of me Fr. Riccardo, staring at me.  Stunned again --- What was he doing here?  His mother had died less than 24 hours ago --- I turned and went toward the other side of the church.  Looking at the back rows of pews where I planned to sit, I saw that all were occupied.  As I continued into the church, I finally noticed an empty spot --- the one where I always sit in when I come to weekday masses at this church.  Every seat around it was occupied, but it sat empty, as if waiting for me, and I stepped in and knelt down.  After a few moments everyone was asked to stand and greet those around them --- and then I was surprised to see Donna and her husband in front of me (they share adoration time with me late Monday nights).  And then behind me I greeted Angie and her husband (who I often see at weekday masses), and her young son Donnie, who is wheelchair-bound with numerous physical problems.  “Hi,” Donnie said loudly, remembering me with a smile.  And then then the choir began singing the entrance hymn --- led by Karen!!?
What was happening this Sunday morning?  Why did these events and people happen in my life?  Did Fr. John really stare at me as he said some of the words of his homily?  Why did my Sunday morning plans turn into what were obviously God’s plans? (I don’t believe in coincidences.)  And so, I prayed to Him: “Why is this happening, Lord?”
I really did expect an answer to that prayer; so often (when I ask) God has clarified His intents for this weak brain of mine, but that was not to be on this Sunday (or at least not yet).  And so, at times like this, this is where my faith comes in, where that prayer “Jesus, I trust in You” really gets pointed.  When I say those words, I really do mean them.  Do you?  Can YOU accept that sometimes things happen which you just won’t understand, and yet still believe they are His will?
Can YOU trust that much?
Early this past Sunday morning (I’d swear on a stack of bibles) I had set the alarm for 7:30AM.  That was the only thing that happened as I planned that Sunday morning; the rest of the events I just went along with.  None were my plans, but I was blessed to see so many aspects of God’s plans in action that day --- although I don’t know why.  It was an unusual day.
Most days there will always be something --- sometimes big, sometimes small --- which doesn’t go our way.  The traffic accident makes us late for work.  The boss doesn’t like the presentation we spent days preparing --- or worse, he doesn’t understand it.  The school calls and our child is sick and needs to go home --- NOW!  Or, as we’re leaving the house in great pain, the dentist’s office calls and says we’ll have to re-schedule the appointment.
“Why is this happening?” we say.
At those times, ESPECIALLY at those times, can we say: “Jesus, I trust in You”?  And mean it?


  1. God is awesome! I love reading these stories, such a great reminder that we must take a leap of faith in order to see God's providence.

  2. Yes, Cynthia, or some times not.

    My 9:30A meeting this morning was cancelled last night, so I slept in and went to 9AM mass. I sat off to one side so as not to be disturbed by anyone as I said my prayers before mass. During mass, as I sat during the Readings, someone came and knelt behind me. Later, when exchanging the Sign of Peace I turned to the person, and gasped, as she did. It was a woman I've been helping's mother. Later, after mass, she told me how a terrible morning caring for her daughter's 5 kids had put her terribly out of sorts, and she chose to come to church, and perchance (yeh, right) came to kneel behind me. Today was the day my Social Security check got direct deposited, so I was cash solvent again, but as we talked I also realized it was the day her daughter's mortgage payment was due, and she planned to skip it because she didn't have the money. I made sure her payment was made; she can't afford to lose that house. Other things came out of the long conversation I had with the parents later this afternoon. God is surely good, and watching over His children. And sometimes He shows us.
