Wednesday, May 29, 2019


After a year of helping a woman deal with a difficult divorce, to keep her house, to keep her young kids, to end her enormous debts, suddenly after all this was over she called me: “I’m going to have to sell my house (through a quirk in mortgage law she could not get her ex’s name off the mortgage).  Perhaps this is the will of God,” she said.  And in my anger at hearing her plight, those last words didn’t register in my heart as I thought: “BUT, THIS IS NOT MY WILL!!!  THIS IS NOT RIGHT!!!
The next day I went to 8AM mass, BUT, it turned out there was no 8AM mass, BUT I met someone as I was leaving the church and had a long-needed conversation with her; it was good we met.  I didn’t really think about how things weren’t going my way thus far this day as I angerly drove to another site for a 10AM mass there, BUT as I walked in the door I met someone who I needed to speak with; we too then had a long-needed conversation and good words.  Then I (finally) headed toward the chapel door and again anger filled my heart as I passed the confession line outside, BUT then the last person in line entered the confessional --- and I suddenly realized:  if I stopped, I was the next in line, and I realized I was meant to stop.  And so, I did confess, and with my words to the priest all my anger abated.  I stopped being upset over “my will” not being done this day and in the mortgage disaster, and asked God: “What’s Your will?”  And a couple of days later, through other connections God gave me, I found the woman a new mortgage; she could keep her house.  All my anger was for nothing; and through a series of “coincidences” God gave me the connections I needed to “let go and let God.”
On Friday, I received a text message from Fr. John (that’s strange, I thought).  BUT, he asked me if I could stop what I was doing and help him by buying some gift cards for children he would visit.  Then he texted I should send him the card’s serial numbers (which I immediately recognized as a common scam, and then I DID pray: “Lord, what are you telling me here?”).  I heard no answer, but I was irritated at the scam.
The next day I breezed through the Saturday Wall Street Journal, BUT read that Jean Vanier had died, and I stopped to reflect on his life of love, a saint had left the earth.  Later, after my midnight adoration I was getting tired, BUT I happened to turn to ESPN (which just happened to have become available to me the week before) and I caught a most compelling talk on the value of work and love.  I watched late into the night, and then set my alarm for 9AM Sunday mass, BUT my lawn maintenance guy called at 7AM, sick, begging off his 10:30A appointment with me.  Well I thought, I can sleep in a bit and re-set the alarm for the 10AM mass at OLGC parish, where I heard Fr. John’s final homily.  It seemed he looked right at me as he spoke, and I took his words personally ---- like a text message from him, words about living a life of love (as Vanier did), about doing important work for God (as the late-night talk explained).  It all connected in my mind and I thanked God for interrupting MY plans and dragging me to hear Fr. John’s words at that 10AM mass --- and connecting the dots.  There are no coincidences.
If we are going along with our plans BUT we are forced to change, we need to recognize that “BUT” from God and get our butts in gear, and be looking for His plans.  Events we think of coincidences are often connections God made for us --- events, times, and people brought together for His purposes.  If we can stop complaining long enough --- or getting angry --- when things don’t go as we wish, we can see God making connections in our lives, opportunities for us to do His will, if we can be humble enough to stop demanding ours.  And, as I finally saw the need for confession, and was “dragged” to Fr. John’s final homily --- both great sources of grace I desperately needed --- I gave in to the “coincidences” that happened, the connections God made to give me His love.
It's like we’re walking down the path of life, with Jesus next to us.  He doesn’t hold our hand and pull us along --- we have free will --- but if our free will would take us from the path or if He has something He would have us make note of (perhaps a lesson to help us grow in holiness, or an opportunity to love our neighbor) He will speak to us, or just put a small obstacle in our path.  Sometimes the obstacles He places before us are very painful; I think that is when there are the greatest lessons to be learned.  It’s taken me many years to understand, and even welcome, those important lessons.
When strange things happen; when your plans are thwarted, always be open to ask: “What is Your will in these events, Lord?”  And sometimes He will show you clearly His will, and His love for you.  And you make a connection with Him.  These are important moments in your life.

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