Sunday, January 10, 2021

Saturday Night Rosaries

 The sunrise yesterday was beautiful, with bright red streams of clouds in the blue sky, stretching from one end of the horizon to the other.  It was awesome.

Later that morning I received an email from friends.  It told me of a rosary which was being prayed online, each morning at 6:30A, and on Saturday nights all four rosary mysteries were prayed starting at 10:30P.  The note said that some holy people were joining in, so I decided to nap early in the Saturday evening and call in to the rosaries. 

It seemed that some people phoned in as I did, and some were on a video call.  As the rosaries progressed, people were invited to lead a decade.  There was a priest, and people from states all around this country, and Ireland.  There were families, mothers and children, husbands and wives, and one decade was led in Spanish.  I don’t know how many people participated in the rosaries last night, but I felt I was truly part of the worldwide church, praying for God’s mercy on this country.  I felt the time was well spent, and will participate in the future.

This morning the Sunday EWTN mass sermon, on this last day of the Christmas season and the start of Ordinary Time, had the priest telling of how we are made in the image of God, and what that means.  In particular it means we can think and reason (unlike animals), and we can freely decide (not by instinct).  Then he mentioned how HE HAD LED A ROSARY ONLINE, and how when he got to a part where he prayed for Catholic politicians who were acting in favor of abortion --- his connection was cut off.  He believed it deliberate and expects we will see more of this in the future.  He noted how our history is being erased from our schools and monuments.  Things on which people might think and reason are being eliminated --- those in power will think for them. Our likeness to God is being taken away from us.

It was in some ways a sad sermon, but one also reminding us to be prepared.  Whether it is taken from our Bibles or not, Christ has said He will return, and we need be prepared.  It will be a thing of beauty, like the morning sky I saw, for those who are prepared. And people all over the world will praise Him together

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Last night, for the first time I can ever recall, I had a dream about the end times.  I saw dark clouds rolling in rapidly, and I saw dragons in my neighbor’s house, then the dragons shattered like clay pots.  For some reason, I just saw things, I did not feel any fear.  I tried calling my friends, but for some reason couldn’t find their phone numbers, so I write this.

I don’t claim to be a prophet, nor do I want to scare anyone.  Some think me addled by the stress of our times, and others think old age is setting in, and perhaps the events of yesterday contributed to my dream.  Like things I have documented here for many years, I just write what it seems I am being led to do.

And it all may mean nothing, or nothing I understand, but perhaps it gives meaning to you.

Anyone who crosses this path is being prayed for by me, as I pray for God’s mercy on our country, and will continue to do so with that Saturday night rosary group. 

Jesus, I trust in You. 

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