Saturday, January 2, 2021

The Definition of Sin


I read recently about the latest destruction of history: classical writers and philosophers are being removed from our schools and libraries.  No more Shakespeare or Aristotle; those men at some point were sinners in offending modern minds.  From now on, the history of the world will be as modern minds define it.

It is sad these vocal leaders of our country and schools hold such powers, and that so many support them.  They define what for them is sin; sin used to what was called an offense against God, now they treat as any sin an offense against them.  Sin was defined by God as something to avoid for it offended Him; but leaders will now MAKE YOU avoid their new definition of sin.  God gave man freedom to choose.  As modern gods, our leaders will allow no such freedom.

It took many centuries for God to explain sin to the Jews, at one point giving them Ten Commandments to be clear about what they should not do, and later sending His Son to show them how to live, but still they could choose.  He explained to them the impact of their choice: loss of eternal happiness, for sin is an offense against God, and in choosing to sin you are choosing not to be with Him in eternity.  Choosing to sin is choosing not to love Him.  Love of God is a choice we have to make, and it has an eternal impact.

Forgetting for a moment the good things we celebrate about historical figures, for we celebrate the good not the bad they may have done, but historical figures are examples that show us that sinners can change and sinners can be loved for the good in them, even as God their Creator loved them so much.  He sent His Son to die for them and us, and He told us sins can be forgiven and forgotten.

Our modern “leaders” act as atheist gods.  There is no forgiveness in them.  Write a Facebook post they call sinful, and they push for you to be mocked and fired from your job.  “Crucify him” they seem to (and may soon literally) say.  They don’t try to see the good in people they disagree with on some point.  God created people, maybe that’s why He more readily loves them, even the frail, the weak, the less-than-perfect, and even those who sin against Him.

This week Europe celebrated that Down’s Syndrome births are down 50%.  They killed those babies which would not have as perfect as they wished.  Hitler and Stalin did the same thing, and didn’t understand why the world didn’t agree with them.  Maybe that’s why the socialism now taught in our schools is so popular among the young; they think it a good thing to get rid of the ones not as perfect as they themselves are.  They are taught the imperfect sin against them, as they define sin and they will make them sin no more, or eliminate them.

I pray the Prayer for Humility each night.  The ending lines are “It is in pardoning that we are pardoned, and in dying (to self) that we are born to eternal life.”  I fear that prayer may someday be erased from history.  Our young see no need to be humble; they are the greatest gods they know. 

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My last post mentioned that we might resolve in 2021 to help God change the world.  Last night I happened to visit the website for Acts XXIX (, an organization which notes prominently that “God wants His world back.”  It would be a very good thing if you listened to some of Fr. John Riccardo’s podcasts there --- starting with the first one.  He puts very well the world situation, and so begins an evolving discussion with God on how we might help to give Him His world back.


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