Wednesday, May 18, 2022

Who Will Want Those Babies?


I once had a conversation with a friend many years ago on the subjects of contraception and abortion.  At one point they said: “Well, if they don’t do something to stop them, who will take care of those unwanted inner-city babies?”  And I instinctively responded: “I will.”  And in frustration they walked away.

That conversation and question came to me tonight.  The culture’s focus on wanton sexual behavior has only grown much since that conversation, and those sexual actions will not change overnight, even if Roe vs Wade were eliminated.  The activity that resulted in aborted babies will not just stop overnight, nor will the pregnancies.  “And who will want all those unwanted babies?”

I recall the stories of the spread of AIDS in Africa, and the many deaths there, and what happened then.  Parentless children abounded, but “or course” they were taken in and raised by neighbors or friends in the village.  The children knew a new family who loved them.  There was no mass increase of children on the streets, starvation, opening of orphanages, or government care programs.  The villagers took care of them (and this still happens today).  The commandment to Love Your Neighbor is lived out, as an “of course”.

One of the criticisms of Catholics is that we don’t live what we preach.  Love your neighbor?  What would our churches, our parishes do if there were suddenly a mass of unwanted children in our community?  Would our priests and bishops take to the pulpit to demand government programs?  But no government program can do what we are commanded to do: “Love your neighbor, as I do”.  And the Bible often tells how much Jesus loved children, and we should too.

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In His blessings, God has made me aware of a number of ministries around the world which focus on unwanted children.  They have two things in common:  they are not government programs, and they were started by one person.  And there is one other most crucial thing:  they bring love to those children.

-          The Lingap Center in the Philippines was started by a man from Jackson, Michigan.  Compelled by the Holy Spirit, he started the care center for unwanted street children.  It has cared for hundreds in a facility where they grow their own food, have mass every day, go to school, and many have gone on to college, some returning to help others.  And the children there often go out to the streets where they once lived, where some children still choose to stay, and they help feed them a good meal --- IF, they will sit and be educated for an hour.  The Lingap Center is now rated one of the top orphanages in the Philippines.

-          Mary’s Meals was started by a man who heard of a war-torn area where children were starving amidst the battles.  He loaded a truck with food, drove across Europe, and went through the battle lines and fed them.  Mary’s Meals now “helps” feed over a million children each day --- supplying the food IF the children go to school AND the parents cook the food.

-          There a number of wonderful, loving shelters for pregnant women that I am aware of, so they and their babies can get past the reason for which they felt required to consider an abortion.  Maggie’s Place is one I am fond of.

I’m sure you may know of other examples of how one person changed many lives, but regarding the question posed by this paper:  Who will want those babies which will no longer be aborted?  I expect there will be many new government or liberal company methods to end or avoid pregnancies (and not curtail “our sexual freedoms”), but that should not be the Catholic answer.  What Would Jesus Do is the question to pray and meditate over.  What if only 10 unwanted babies were placed on your church doorstep; what would you do?  Are you making plans for that opportunity to Love Your Neighbor?

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