Friday, December 23, 2022

The Advent of My Life


In these final days of Advent, I look ahead to the celebration of Christ’s birth, but I also look back at this Advent period, a period of preparation, and reflect on just how well have I prepared.  I realize that while I used this time to prepare for Christ’s coming birthday celebration, I also was using it to prepare for MY birthday, my birth in Him, when we shall be united forever.  That is the purpose of our lives, why we were created, and why He came to open the doors for us to come in to Him.  Every day is an advent of my eternal birth, when this life will end for me.  I want to use these days to prepare well.

I read the Gospel meditations in The Better Part each day; I find them to be both insightful and inspirational, to help me grow my heart and my faith.  Today’s reflection was a notable one.  It comments on the end of the Gospel of Luke, Chapter 1, the birth of John the Baptist, the one who was to prepare the way for Jesus.  He WAS an advent.  I repeat the reflections from The Better Part (with the underlines from my book).  They are worth praying over.


Christ The Friend We take for granted John the Baptist’s role in the story of Christ --- we are so used to it.  But isn’t there something strange about it?  Was it absolutely necessary to send a herald ahead of the Messiah?  Couldn’t the Messiah handle the job himself?  Probably he could have, but his choice to send a forerunner reveals something essential about his personality.

Jesus never forces his way into our lives.  He is too polite, too respectful.  He refuses to conquer hearts by compulsion.  He acts gently, gradually. He prepares us for the special graces he has in store for us.  Since he is always thinking of us, he guides us little by little.  The more generously we respond to the many messengers and signs he sends ahead of him, the more he will pick up the pace of his action in our lives.  But even then, his grace warms our soul like sunlight: silently, gently, but surely.  Such is our Lord, who longs to be our closest friend.

Christ In My Life I believe in you, Lord Jesus.  I believe that you are the only Son of the Father, the Savior of all people, the way, the truth, and the life.  I believe that you were born of the Virgin Mary, that you came to earth for our salvation, that only in your name can we find salvation.  And I believe that you will come again to judge all of us and that your Kingdom will have no end.

I often feel pressure to conform to social patterns instead of being faithful to my call to holiness.  How can I love you wholly and still be prudent?  Lord, its so hard to keep the balance.  I want to fulfill the life mission you have given me, but at times I just don’t see things clearly.  But I trust in you, Lord.  You will guide me. In spite of my clumsiness and egoism, you are faithful.

Sometimes I wish you would be less polite with me --- force your way into my heart, Lord.  I want to love you more and to love others as you love me, but my selfishness clings to my soul and weighs me down.  Purify me, Lord.  Strip away every stain of egoism and self-absorption so that I can be truly free to live as you created me to live, to fulfill the mission you have given me in life.


That I can prepare well for your coming, to me.

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