Saturday, October 21, 2023

How to Describe Yourself


At a recent discussion, an all too frequent topic came up: “How can I not get angry when someone says ….  I’ve got to defend myself and what I know to be true.”  And lots of examples were given, and discussed.  I finally opined with: “My life is not about me.”  And as if from a script, someone responded: “Well, if your life is not about you, then who is it about?”  You know the answer I gave.  “My life is about loving God and loving neighbor.  Jesus’ summary of the Ten Commandments on how to live.”  One of the group was quick to point out that Jesus also said “Love your neighbor, as yourself, so it’s okay if your life is about yourself.”  And the conversation went on, and on.  I hadn’t yet watched the video about the Gospel of John, Chapter 13, where it reminded me that at the Last Supper Jesus said: “A new commandment I give you, to love one another, even as I have loved you.

Those thoughts came to me as I was driving home from night prayers tonight.  Along the way, I passed a bright new road sign reading: “Welcome to Plymouth.”  It’s a beautiful new sign, but what caught my attention was that the word “Plymouth” was written in script, not typed or block letters, but like it was hand-written.  And that says a lot to me about the city of Plymouth.  It is a small city, very community oriented.  On summer evenings there are wonderful concerts at the park in the center of the downtown area, and lots of people come with their lawn chairs or blankets to set on the grass, and listen to the music --- for free.  Even the downtown parking is free.  You don’t usually hear any loud arguments at the concerts, but see lots of smiles.  Community.  The Plymouth Community.  Hand-writing the name of Plymouth says a lot; it says that Plymouth is a very personal community, where people care for one another.

How could we describe ourselves and what we believe as Christians in such a meaningful, yet simple way?  Whatever you might answer, I’m sure it must somehow convey how we love one another.

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