Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Review: When You Pray


The subtitle to this book is: Trust, Surrender, and the Transformation of Your Soul.”  I have taken some on-line classes by the author, Edward Sri, and have mixed opinions on how well the video classses come across.  This book, however, is outstanding!

The words in the Introduction open your mind to what your heart will discover throughout this book.  “A true pilgrim hopes to experience an encounter with the living God, Who wants to touch our lives and lead us to the next step in our walk with Him.”  It talks about cooperating with God in prayer, and allowing “God to shape your interior life and lead you to grow in trust, surrender and holiness.”  The reflections presented “are there to nourish your prayer time, giving you something to meditate on and talk to God about” as, perhaps, you sit in the adoration chapel.

This is an outstanding group study book, especially for people more advanced in their faith walk.  It doesn’t so much hone in on the basics as point to the things we don’t really understand in the depth of our being.  Many points are about things we find difficult to talk about, private feelings, hurts.  The very last chapter challenges you to compassion, not judgement.

Our group discussions on the 2 chapters we read each week triggered so many thoughts and related past actions, and how we reacted to them.  Some of the discussions did not lead us to conclusions, except to better understand why these things need to be reflected on in prayer, seeking God’s opinion, guidance, or just turning to Him in trust, especially in hardships.  Among other things, we learned how we must be thankful to Him for all thing, even pains and sufferings.  He loves us always, in this and in Him, we grow in trust.

This is a great book to grow your prayer life, and build your desire to be with God, always.

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