Tuesday, July 16, 2024

If You Say It, Mean It


The Surrender Novena is a prayer for our troubled times.  The novena has, for nine days, a short reflection in which Jesus speaks to you, telling you to not worry, to not be anxious.  He is here for us.  Each day’s prayer then ends with us responding to Jesus: “O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything!”

Last Tuesday I received a call from the repair company telling me the part I needed was in, and asking if could they come next week (today) to install it.  My calendar was clear, so I said yes.  But then some things needed purchase, and by Sunday my checking account was low.  Should I skip my Sunday donation this week, so I had enough money for the repair man?  I finally decided no, it’s Gods money not mine, so I made my usual church donation.  This morning, as the repairman visited, I looked at the checking book balance.  What now?

Does the repair man accept credit cards?  If my check to his company bounced, what would be the penalty from my bank, from his company?  Should I just re-schedule the appointment and try and synchronize our schedules again?  Tomorrow my monthly Social Security check is due; maybe any check I wrote today won’t clear until then?

I decided to just wait and ask the repairman, if he knew, or could suggest action.  I’m sure he likely ran into this situation in the past.  So, he came over this morning and made the repairs.  And when he was done, he came over to me and said:  The amount due is $165.00 dollars.  I looked in my checkbook.  The balance I showed?  $167.54. 

Now, I rarely balance my checkbook, so the actual amount was probably more or less, still, in my heart I heard that small still voice saying: “Didn’t I say not to worry?  Didn’t you tell me: ‘O Jesus, I surrender myself to You, take care of everything?” 

I could only smile.  If you PRAY it, mean it. 

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