Wednesday, July 10, 2024

While We're Still Here


I never had a “bucket list,” although I did have some thoughts on post-retirement.  But God had other plans, and I found myself using my post-retirement years to take care of mom.  God’s plans, though, were better than any I might have mused about.

In recent conversations with some friends, they spoke of what they are now trying to find the time (or money) to do in their old age.  They are good people.  Those are good things they are planning or doing.  The thought came to me, however, is that many of their plans are kind of like acting out a bucket list.  They are doing some things they view as important, while they are still here alive on earth.

But, an end to that time will come for all of us.

The things my friends are happily doing are trying to make the best use of the time they have left.  But they believe, as I do, that the life here is not the end of their time.  So, what IS the best use of our time while still here?

When we die, it’ll kind of be like we’ll moving to a new place and never coming back.  Yes, it is good to relish what we have and had now, spending time with loved ones, maybe even cleaning house, because someone will follow in our footsteps.  Those things my friends speak of doing, if not done selfishly, are just what Jesus called “loving your neighbor.” But is that all you should do before you leave here?

What about your plans for where you are going?  You do make a plan, whenever you go on a long trip, don’t you?  Don’t you research the place you are going to, to make sure it is where you want to be?  Or do you just go where someone told you to go, and not worry about it?  Unlike them, though, we do have a large impact, the total impact, on where we will be going.  No one here on earth is going to decide for us that place, our final destination.  At a minimum, shouldn’t we get a map and study how to get there, so we don’t get lost on the way?  While we might not be able to converse with someone who has already been there, we can have an idea of that place by reading about many people who have gone there.  We call them saints.  While still alive here on earth, we can read the records of how THEY prepared for that final move.  We can learn from them.

I look to these examples and read of their lives.  And I look to the Bible, and the life of Jesus, who came to open the gates to heaven, where we can go, if we choose to be with Him.  As God, He was in heaven before He came to earth.  He told us many things about it, and simple ways to get there, and be with Him where He now is forever.  And we can be, too. 

After lots of study, I know it is where I’ll choose to go, and from the Words He gave to us, how I’ll choose to live in the meantime.  I don’t want to be unprepared to leave.  That will be my major priority, while I’m still here.

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