Monday, February 1, 2010

Only For a Time

I read the headlines about Tiger Woods, and those now seeking a cure for their sexual addictions … I saw the poster about the local church starting a 24 hour Adoration Chapel … I heard the Gospel about the evil spirits, Legion, being cast out of the man and into the swine … I heard the prayers for the people of Haiti … I thought of my friend who has a serious illness, death may be near …

Each of us can recall a better time in our life. We can recall days of our youth when we played with good friends; we fondly remember a caring grandparent; we can still feel the strength we had running the race, hitting the ball, or carrying the load. We can recall when life was good. Although we may not often say it, we are thankful for those times. We should be; they were blessings in our lives. They were times and events we didn’t make happen; they were gifts to us. We should be thankful.

But those times do not last, in this life. They are with us only for a time, but there will also be times of hardship. For some of us, the times of hardship are now.

Tiger Woods has lost much of his fame, his money, his respect – and perhaps, his family’s love. A man has Satan’s hordes take up home within him, and he wanders about screaming in the night. An earthquake strikes an island nation, and homes, jobs, families, and churches lay crushed – death is everywhere. And for one person, living alone, death is slowly creeping up, and she knows it.

But even these bad times will not last in this life. When things are worst, truly it seems that they only can get better, but worst can last a long time. And I’m reminded of a Bill Cosby joke: “Never challenge worse. Never say, things can’t get worse.” I’m sure some people in Haiti, in their poverty, said that.

But, again remember, all life is only for a time. Good times, bad times, they WILL pass. Much of the world is undergoing bad times now, and even those who are not have fears they might. Many are thinking, if not reading, the thoughts of Psalm 73: Why is it that the good have many troubles? Unfortunately, few can humbly accept in their hearts the end of that psalm: “I was stupid and did not understand. Yet I was always in Your presence; You were holding me by my right hand. You will guide me by Your counsel.”

And so the bad times will only be for a time, and God will make good use of your sufferings, if you let him. Tiger Woods diminishes, but his hard times provide a light for others to see their addictions. The new Adoration Chapel may open a door of hope for lost souls, a place to come home to. Legion was cast out of the sinner, and while he wanted to stay and just praise Jesus, he was told no, go home to your family – enjoy and share the beginning of a good time for you. And in Haiti, the worst -- and worst-er – is getting better, if only for a time, if only for a time. And my dying friend may soon be released from her sufferings.

All good things in this life end, all bad too. But an eternity of happiness awaits us, where the bad times will never re-occur. And we can start on that eternity of good times, and can ensure its coming, even now.

We can end that sex addiction and do better things with our lives. We can spend time with God, and ask: “What would you have me do, to gain eternal life?” We can go home to our families, love them, and thank God for blessing us. We can enjoy the good times we have, even amidst the bad of today, and be truly thankful. We can help our neighbors in their bad times, and be an inspiration for them to help others – even in THEIR bad times.

God will make good out of all that is bad. We can join him, as brothers, in his efforts. If only for a time; if only for a time.

St. Michael the archangel, defend us in battle. Be our safeguard against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and may thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl through the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

Have mercy on me, God in your kindness…
Make me hear rejoicing and gladness …
Give me again the joy of your help. (Psalm 51)

Lamb of God, You who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You who take away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Lamb of God, You who take away the sins of the world, grant us peace.

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