Saturday, September 26, 2009


Orig: 03/12/09

It was Caiaphus who had given counsel to the Jews that it was expedient that one man should die for the people (Jn 18:14)

The Lord’s death was meant to be a frightening example to the Jews, to convince his followers to change their ways. It was a political ploy to convince the opposition.

How often are you similarly played? Someone important or respected does something that seems dramatic and you stop yourself, and reassess your convictions: My brother-in-law just announced that he’s gay – maybe that isn’t such a bad thing. That famous movie star says gay marriage is good – well, maybe. The president you voted for says killing human beings, embryos, is a good thing, it will save lives – well, that can’t be bad, can it? The AMA says doctors must perform abortions as part of their training – well shouldn’t they learn all types of surgery? Leaders in our states say “humanely” helping the old, the ill, or people who just want to kill themselves, to die is a moral thing to do – well, dying is such an awful thing, shouldn’t it be made “nice”?

Even in Christ’s time, this form of coercion was recognized for what it is: politics. Get the people to look at someone they respect, and change their direction. Many of the flock will be confused and follow where you want them to go. Caiaphus was the law; most people had some respect for the law. Condemn Jesus under the law, and many will go along – if the law says he is wrong, I guess he must be.

How easily are you diverted by politics? How easily are your opinions changed? Can anyone of importance sway your beliefs? How often do YOU use your beliefs and prestige to divert others – as if YOU know everything, and YOU know how their lives should be led? There are many “shepherds” calling to us today. It seems to me that there is one great difference among them: most appeal to what I want, what I think is right, or what gives ME pleasure.

Only one says: “Follow me and I will give you rest”. Do you trust in those who say: “Hey, look, you can judge for yourself what is good here,” or the one who says “I am the Way, the Truth, and the Life. He who believes in me will have life everlasting”?

In case you’re still having doubts on who to trust, a little reading may help you. It’s in Genesis, where the snake says “Hey, look, you can judge for yourself what is good here”.

It’s just politics. It’s as old as the bible. So, who will you follow? Who do you Trust?

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