Friday, June 25, 2010

Anne, A Lay Apostle

I have been posting to this blog for about a year now, and recently did my 250th post. Have I bored you enough yet?

This is something I sent to friends a while back, and was one of the things which led them to suggest doing this blog:

Orig: 06/05/08

Despite the arrival of summer (finally!), recent news and events in a number of our lives seem to weigh heavier than the humid air. It can get a bit depressing. I pray for all of you.

The below message (one of many) is said to have been given to a woman by Jesus. She says she has heard him since she was a child. She chose the name Anne for publishing them, as recommended by her local bishop, to keep herself out of the limelight. I found her books very interesting; I could give you the names if you are interested. But whether you would believe her words or not, the below message is representative of many she is said to have heard.

If these words are not from Jesus, I think they are the types of words he would speak. And they are certainly ones I need to hear, especially in 'heavy' weeks like these.

On the first of every month, Our Lord gives Anne a new message about His
call to service.
June 1, 2008
I am here, with you at all times. I watch you struggle for holiness and I
encourage you to continue along on the path you have chosen. When you are
discouraged, you sometimes look to other paths, chosen by other people.
From where you are looking, their path might look smooth and easy, happy
and fulfilling. Perhaps their path does not include the sacrifices that you
find are necessary to travel along the path I have marked out for you.
Perhaps their path does not appear to be as steep, as filled with
obstacles, and perhaps their path appears to include more worldly acclaim
and acceptance. Poor little apostles. Here is what you cannot see when you
admire the apparent easiness of the paths of others who are not chosen as
you are chosen. You do not see that others, who have not made the same
level of commitment, are not enjoying the same level of unity with heaven.
Yes, their struggle seems less. Yes, their rewards seem immediate and
plentiful. But you have something that nobody else has in the same way and
that is Me. Nobody has the same relationship with Me that you have. You are
My beloved apostle and I love all of My apostles. But the love I have for
you and the plan I have for you is unique. It will never be repeated. I
need you to continue on in your service to Me. I need you to remember that
you are called to live differently, that your life, which may not be
proceeding exactly as you planned, is proceeding exactly as I planned. Can
you accept this? Can you remind yourself that you have allowed your Saviour
to navigate your earthly journey? Can you rejoice in the path that I have
marked out for you, even if it includes suffering? Please, My beloved
apostle, try. I will help you with this. Rejoice in your apostolic
commitment to Me. I will send you graces in each moment. These graces are
unrepeatable, meaning that if a person rejects My grace in this moment,
that grace moment cannot be recaptured. Time passes while you are on earth.
Opportunities also pass. You are taking advantage of your time on earth for
the family of God and for your loved ones and for you, yourself. You are so
precious to Me. I am caring for you, I promise. When you are tempted to
discouragement, remember that I am with you in each moment, sending perfect
graces and blessings to you and through you. Be at peace in My will for you
and I will protect My plan for you. You are loved by all of heaven and you
are loved by Me.


  1. So, I'm behind in my reading, but this post touched me. I reply. I wil be like the ant saying Lord, I don't know why you want me carrying this load, but if that's what you want, I will carry it.

    For I can do all things in Christ Jesus who strengthens me.

    Thanks for your note from 2008.

  2. What exactly is, a lay apostle? Wikipedia notes references to lay apostolate as a group of non-ordained people along with some who are consecrated, “who exercise a ministry in cooperation with the Catholic Church”. That seems innocuous enough. The lay apostles function with the blessing of the diocese, adding to the sum total of those willing and able to provide help in some fashion within the region they live. Often, lay apostles lend their specialized skills in medicine, hospice or childcare, technology or whatever is needed most. They may or may not be funded by their local church. These groups did not just spring up recently. In fact, it turns out they have been around for hundreds of years in some form or another. But, it wasn’t until the 2nd Vatican Council in 1965 that they received official church recognition by decree.

    “Direction For Our Times”, is one such lay apostolate with offices in Illinois and Ireland. Anne, who chooses to limit her identity to one name only, is a lay apostle for that organization. Her story is an interesting one.

    It appears that for some reason known only to him, a man named Richard Salbato with an outfit known as Unity Publishing felt compelled to slander Anne with a letter circulated over the Internet. The extent of the damage to a person’s reputation with letters like this becomes a fascinating story in itself. Suffice it to say, his goals appear to have been accomplished. This particular letter, interestingly, offers no sources or corroboration of any of his malicious inferences. On the other hand, Anne has secured the permission of Bishop Leo O’Reilly of the diocese of Kilmore in Ireland, as well as her parish priest. Both have written extensively of their unqualified endorsements of Anne, a lay apostle. Dr. Mark Miravalle, Professor of Theology at Franciscan University of Steubenville has also provided assistance in this matter, essentially debunking Salbato’s commentary as unprovoked vindictiveness.

    What is intriguing it that Salbato’s website is quite pedestrian, without a single word of input from anyone else. He claims to have, “studied the style and personality of the True Virgin Mary and they are always simple, to the point and never cajoling.” How, precisely, does one study the style and personality of a person who has been dead for over 1900 years? That might be at least possible in a vicarious sense if Mary had left any personal writings for historical reflection. But no, there is not a single recorded word that she ever uttered except hearsay, which appears to be Mr. Salbato’s hallmark.

    It is quite evident from evaluating all available sources regarding the behavior of Anne, a lay apostle, that Anne has experienced a calling to minister to others. Everything she has published is done do with the permission of her Bishop and parish priest. She has gone to the effort of seeking church authority for all of her work and has received it unconditionally each time. Her life’s work has been one of compassionate concern for others followed up by the necessary work to assist. It is impossible to find anything negative about Anne, a lay apostle other than those emanating from Richard Salbato. It is well past time to stop expending any effort whatsoever attempting to denigrate this woman, who appears beyond reproach.

    1. Yes' I've met Anne a number of times and I can confirm her excellent character. Her writings bear extraordinary fruit in the soul. God is good indeed.

  3. Thank you for your enlightening comment, Gary. I knew nothing of attempts to attack Anne, although I can readily believe they exist.

    But this, like my personal visit to Medjugorje, I view with a critical eye. Short of the Church approving the apparitions/visions, I will not necessarily promote them, but I will say that I personally judge all such things by their fruits. I know of many wonderful fruits of Medjugorje, including my own. I have read of many wonderful conversions and awakenings to faith as a result of Anne's writings. A number of my friends meet monthly to pray and read the monthly messages from Anne. All benefit from the fruits of her work.
