Friday, August 6, 2021

Fr. Benedict Groeschel

I think I’ve read every book written by Fr. Groeschel, and have given away many of his prayer pamphlets (which, sadly, are out of print).  In the quiet of these days, and not finding any new books of interest, I picked up a book at random from my bookshelf to read.  It was Fr. Groeschel’s “Travelers Along the Way”.

The book is short chapters of “people who have shaped my life by their ideas or their behavior”.  They are beautiful musings of Fr. Groeschel --- and perhaps sudden insights --- of beautiful people, not perfect, but beautiful people he knew. He knew Mother Teresa and Mother Angelica, who accomplished so much with so little, in India and at EWTN.  He knew Fr. Solanus Casey, the doorman and saint.  And he knew Ann Miller, movie star, and later Sr. Mary Joseph.  This book is full of beautiful memories,  and is a very warm read on a quiet night.

The words Fr. Groeschel heard from Mother Teresa seem to summarize all the most important people in his life.  She said to him: “(When I die,) I pray that my place will be taken by the most unattractive and ungifted of all the sisters.  Then everyone will know that this is not our work, but God’s work.  Don’t ever forget that you were chosen (to be a priest, Fr. Groeshel) by the humility of God.”  He loves the least of people, and will use them to accomplish great things.

I don’t think I shall ever write a book, but now I will spend more time thinking and praying about the people in my life.  Oh, I don’t know many famous people or holy people, but I did cross paths with many wonderful people who, in small ways, influenced me to better know God and His will for me, or who (on some occasions) were influenced by me to see God’s will for them.  Our interactions made the world a better place.  They were not important people, just as I am not, but as Mother Teresa said, we all were chosen by the humility of God to do His work.

I met Fr. Groeschel on a number of occasions.  Just a few words with him were a blessing that I will never forget.  Over the headboard of my bed are pictures of Fr. Solanus Casey, Pope John Paul II, and Padre Pio.  Fr. Benedict’s picture is in my heart.  In God’s humility he put Fr. Groeschel and many others in my life, including His Mother, to make me more as He created me to be.  I am so blessed, and grateful for all the people in my life. I have so many wonderful memories of them.


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