Friday, February 18, 2022

And I Heard God Smile

 Because of the snow-packed roads, I went to a nearby church to say my night prayers tonight, versus the Adoration Chapel I usually attend.  On Fridays, the nearby church has Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament all day, and so I didn’t think the atmosphere would be much different than when I attended the Adoration Chapel.

When I arrived at the church, the gold monstrance holding the Host was on the altar for adoration, but there was only one other person in the entire church.  I went in and talked to God and prayed my night prayers, and after a while a few more people showed up.  Then the priest came out, knelt before the altar and began a short Benediction and worship service.  The priest led the small group as we all sang the Tantum Ergo song of praise, and then led us in praying the Divine Praises.  And, then after blessing the people with the monstrance with host, the people sang Holy God We Praise Thy Name as the priest removed the host from the monstrance and placed it in the tabernacle.  The day of adoration at the church had come to an end.  That closing Benediction service only lasted 10 minutes, but it made me recall how when I was a child that same short service was done at the end of Sunday mass.  And people were dead quiet in the church, and no one left early.  Because everyone, especially us small kids, KNEW that was Jesus in that Host displayed on the altar.  I remember how as a child I was awed, every time.  And that’s how I felt today.  It was just a short service, and not many people, but staring at the Host there on the altar, I swear I heard Jesus’ smile.

I recall how last year how my cancer-ridden Protestant friend asked me to take her to the adoration chapel, and how she cried silently there for an hour, directly in front of the Host displayed there, and coming outside in awe said to me: “I can’t believe how much He loves me.”  And she died a few weeks later.  And I recall my most recent posting, and Fr. Riccardo’s saying how good it is for any group to schedule a regular time together with God, time together as all friends do.

Thinking on that short, beautiful worship service tonight, sparsely attended in the huge church, I wonder why local Bible Study groups, or service ministry groups, or even just groups of friends don’t schedule once in a while that short period time to be with God, together, as a gathering of friends.  I’m sure His smile would grow with the attention given Him. 

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