Sunday, September 18, 2022

Aiding and Abetting


We were discussing the evils of abortion, and that the Catholic Church needs to promote an awareness of what abortion really is, and an awareness of the many pregnancy counseling services available to help expecting mothers --- and fathers, too --- through the difficulties they are facing.  I suggested that they promote that the pregnancy counseling services they provide include a full discussion of what are a woman’s options, including --- if she decides on an abortion anyway --- nearby medically safe facilities.  My friend immediately said: “No.”  But I went on: “But I’m just referring to perhaps some scared 12-year-old who might drop in,” and my friend said louder: “NO! NO! NO!”  My friend went on to insist that no Catholic could in any way promote abortion nor suggest they agreed with it, even suggesting to someone which “medically safe” abortion facilities exist.  I disagreed, but ended the conversation.

That night, during prayer, the term “aiding and abetting” came to mind.  Under law, if you are guilty of aiding and abetting say, a robbery or murder, it is as if you yourself robbed the bank or pulled the trigger.  Aiding and abetting means that you in some way made the crime possible, even if you abhor that crime.  And I thought of the 12-year-old example I brought up to my friend.  If I told such a child of a “safe abortion facility” she would likely perceive that alternative as just another she could choose, and even perceive that it was the one recommended to her.  But, as my friend vehemently noted, no Catholic can leave anyone with that perception, that sometimes it is okay to kill a baby child, gifted by God with human life, and that by any form of “aiding or abetting” that killing, we also are guilty of rejecting God, as He offers us His most precious gift: life.

The term “crisis pregnancy” is often used to describe the condition of women considering abortion.  The words seem to put pregnancy on a level with cancer.  But pregnancy, a gift of life from God, isn’t the problem, “crisis” is.  There may be a serious reason why a person regards this a “crisis” pregnancy.  And that really IS where pregnancy counseling services come in handy.  They help alleviate crises.  They make people aware of solutions to their crisis, short of rejecting God’s gift.  Alternatives may include the place they need to stay, the job they need, speaking to friends or family, and even helping them to see things from God’s perspective, and how to thank Him.

Rejecting the life of a child is not like closing the door on a salesman, it is like closing the door on God.  Short of giving you eternal life, which He died on the cross to do, He can give you no greater gift than to entrust you to care for a child He loves.  Despite how or when the pregnancy came about and how troubling things may be for you, He trusts you.  He does not give the precious gift of life lightly.   He trusts you.  Deciding to reject abortion is your trusting Him.

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