Thursday, October 3, 2024



On Sunday, as I drove to church my mind wandered a little, and as I came over a slight rise in the road, there, right in front of me, was a flock of wild turkeys.  I slammed on the brakes, and heard the skid of the car behind me (which was probably following too close).  As I stopped, the turkey in the middle of the road looked at me as if to say: “well, what do you want?”  And I really thought another started toward my car to bite a chunk out of my tire.  If it wasn’t for the car behind me, I probably would have peeled in reverse.  But after a moment of eye contact, the turkeys slowly walked off the road. (Because of the increased deer herds, Michigan is upping the number its deer hunting licenses this year.  I wonder if they have them for turkeys?)

In the Catholic Church, On October 2 was the feast day of Guardian Angels.  Don’t believe you have a guardian angel?  Hah!  Good luck the next time a deer or turkey crosses your path.

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Monday was a busy day for me.  I took time for a protein bar in the morning as I drove, but it was 3:30 in the afternoon before I found time to make a sandwich.  It was drizzly outside, so I was I in no hurry to drive to church, and I decided to take a half hour nap.  I heard the wind and very hard rain pounding outside and thought “it will be a fun drive.”  But when I started out, the rain had slowed to a hard drizzle, and as I arrived at church, it totally stopped.

I took my umbrella with me inside, as dark clouds still filled the sky.  But as I said my Evening Prayers, bright sunlight filled the chapel, and remained as I prayed.  Later, upon leaving I was surprised to walk outside and see the totally dark cloudy skies again, but no rain. 

I checked my phone messages as I sat in the car, and a Plymouth police car pulled in right next to me.  I’ve seen the officer before, as he sometimes takes his meal breaks to go into the chapel and pray.  As I slowly began backing up, the alarm on my car screamed, as a car came behind me, past the large police car I could not see around.  Wouldn’t that have been pretty, getting into a collision right behind a police car?  I think my guardian angel watches over me in ways I’d never expect.  And as I made my way home, the heavy drizzle began again.  It was as if the rain had stopped for me to go outside, and even went away while I prayed.  Guardian angel again?

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But my day ended on a funny note.  Driving home I stopped at a light behind a large blue vehicle with Michigan license plates.  The plate in front of me read: GO 8IUE.  I thought that was pretty original of that Michigan sports fan.

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