Sunday, March 15, 2020

Closed Schools

This is the letter, likely to be unprinted, unseen, which I sent to the editor of the WSJ:
In Michigan’s primary this year, 80% of the young voted for socialism, as they were taught.  Today, in Michigan, schools are closed to prevent a virus from entering.  They need to be closed to prevent a virus therein from escaping, for unless the brainwashing our children receive is changed, socialism for our country is inevitable.
I am not young, but I too wish no one has needs in this country.  But if the government dictates that all lives are equal, and there is to be an earth no more affected by man, then all will be as robots, controlled by robots.  I work to provide for my needs, and to provide for the needs of others.  In a word, I love.  I love my neighbor.  The government cannot love anyone.
Why can’t our schools teach our young to love, to seek to provide for others, not demand for themselves what they (wrongly) think socialism will provide.  I fear for our young; I fear they will never know what love is.  It is in giving of self to others, not taking.
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And should there be any who use God as an excuse for ideas of forced sharing, I remind you that the Christian God is a God of love, and of justice: “You shall not favor a poor man in his lawsuit” (Ex 22:23)

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