Sunday, March 15, 2020

Quarantined: Now You Have Time

Work places closed.  Schools closed.  Churches closed.  Now you have time --- to do what?  I heard a radio program say:  now you have time to clean out your closets, to sweep the garage clean; it is important that you keep busy.  You should build a new routine for your life ---- as if nothing has happened.  Ignore all that is happening in the world, as if it weren’t important enough to consider.
I suppose that in Jesus’ time His amazing actions were also deemed not important enough to consider.  I wonder just what it would take to stop people today from going to the mall, playing games online, texting, tweeting. What would be important enough to turn them from their self-importance?
This past week a friend and I watched eleven half-hour talks by the head of Franciscan University in Steubenville, Ohio.  Metanoia, which means change or conversion, is a series of talks which provide a deep look at a path to know Jesus better, personally, to make Him part of the listener’s life.  It discusses the obstacles we face in getting to know Him, the largest of which is “self”.  The talks lead into conversations on the topics presented, consideration of things we usually don’t take the time to consider.  Until it is too late.
The talks are from a Catholic to a Catholic.  They assume the listener at least knows of Catholic teachings, things like Satan, sin and eternal life, and perhaps even believes in them.  Common people and religious people openly speak of how God --- surprisingly --- had entered their lives, or rather how they finally saw Him --- He was there, but they hadn’t taken the time to notice.  And the most important thing they didn’t notice, didn’t understand, was how He loved them.  Some had turned away from Him.  Some never believed in Him.  Some didn’t believe nor dis-believe in Him; they were too busy with life’s joys, or with its trials.  But when they found Jesus in their lives, how much they were loved --- no matter what --- they found a joy they didn’t believe possible.  And they found a purpose for their life, with all its joys, with all its sufferings.  And it all started when something unusual happened ---- like the whole world stopping.
Should you decide to get the Metanoia talks, I have only one suggestion:  don’t talk.  Don’t criticize with what you think/feel.  Metanoia is change; it doesn’t matter what you think/feel now.  Instead, listen, see, hear.  Let God show you, instill within you, what He feels.  Stop saying “No, here’s what He said; Here’s what He means.”  Shut up.  You have time now.  Listen.
“He breathed on them” (Jn 20:22), and now here on earth we quarantine ourselves, so we won’t be breathed upon, but He can come through our closed doors --- and closed minds.
We have been given a time now, like we have never been given it before.  Stop.  Notice that this time is unusual.  Do something unusual.  Listen to some talks.  Read Scripture.  Pray with your family, and talk about God.  Talk to God.  Start new routines.  Change your life.  This time was given to you, for you.  This is a time to start thinking about eternal life, not earthly life.  The closets can wait.

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