Saturday, April 30, 2022

Someone to Pray to


I received a newsletter from the St. Louis Center for the developmentally disabled.  It included an article titled: Remembering Our Friends.  The subject was Sister Margaret Mary Schissler, or “Sr. Peg”.  I had met Sr. Peg when she and her order cared for young girls at Our Lady of Providence in Northville, Michigan, which has since closed.  Sr. Peg and I shared many wonderful times, and she was always on my Christmas gift and card list. She sometimes sent notes back, but I hadn’t heard from her in a couple of years, and so last Christmas crossed her off my Christmas card list.

This posting was going to be quite a bit longer, as I fondly recalled our times together.  I wrote of some the wonderful events we shared, and then, just before typing it up and posting it here, I put her name into the search engine this my blog, and an old post came up.  Many of the events I was going to write about were also written there, so I won't repeat them. While looking for that article's original Word document, however, I noticed an article titled: Carmelite Sister Letter 2019.  It was a letter written to Sr. Peg, but I'll print it here, as it summarizes my feelings about this wonderful person:


My Dear Sister;

It is 1AM in the adoration chapel, just me and Jesus as I write these words.  I received your thank you note earlier today, perhaps why my mind wandered here --- or perhaps He compels my thoughts on this night.  He often takes my mind on unplanned journeys as we sit and talk.  It’s when I write my blog posts, to document and remember insights He gave me, or note thoughts meant for who-knows-who.  I just write.  (some rambling deleted  : - )  )

And I guess that’s the point of this rambling, sister.  God puts people in our path, and softly whispers “You need to help them.”  Mother Teresa of Calcutta heard the whispers, and so did JPII.  And they got a few hugs.  But I think they brought many people to hug God.  It takes a strong will, and humility, to accept not getting a hug so God can get one.

That’s where I am now, at this stage of my life.  And I perceive from your short greeting that is where you are also. It is a consolation to know we are answering God’s whisper, but we so yearn for a hug.

Have faith, sister.  Be content that many are finding God through your prayers and efforts --- even if you can’t see how or who.  I am very confident that a great big hug awaits you.  Have faith.  Meanwhile, I’ll send you some good books to read, and enclose a couple of the prayers I pray each night.  I pray for you, your sisters, and all God puts in my life, and am eternally grateful for (and needing) all your prayers.

Merry Christmas, again, and expect a Blessed New Year.


The St. Louis Center article noted St. Peg died quietly on January 18, 2021 --- my birthday.  She was another of the saints God has put into my life, and another I can pray to with great confidence she’ll intercede for me --- with her wonderful smile.

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