Monday, May 22, 2023

Review: Nefarious, the Movie


The three of us were the only people in the theater to watch Nefarious (although to put it into proper perspective the empty parking lot indicated that the other 19 movies playing at that movie house were equally empty).  At the designated movie start time began the previews of “coming attractions.”  The six previews were all R-rated, and the “highlights,” the scenes to attract your attention to these movies, were all utterly disgusting.  From swearing, cursing, and blaspheming God’s name, to close-up sexual scenes, in a way these previews were actually a perfect introduction to the prime movie, Nefarious.  Nefarious is a movie about evil, demonic possession, and what demons so easily get us to do.

We went to see Nefarious because it was given great reviews --- “up there with The Passion as a movie Christians should watch.”  If your thoughts of The Passion movie jump to the horrible scourging scene, yes, Nefarious has an equally memorable torture scene, but like The Passion the movie Nefarious also has many deeply spiritual words and actions.  The movie presents not only “what” is happening, but also the underlying “why” of the events.  Nefarious showed clearly how the devil often works.  Using what we view as our good intentions, the devil in the movie brags how he convinces us to use grossly sinful ways to achieve these “good” intentions.  He keeps us focused on the outcomes, which we view as highly desirable --- although left unsaid was the fact that we viewed them as highly desirable because in some way they benefited us, and our self-centered-ness.  (I can attest to this truth, as I myself recently acted with good intent, until I was made to see that my intent was being achieved by grossly focusing on my actions, as I ignored the friend I was speaking to.  And, laughably, my topic was how we can better love our neighbor, as I ignored mine!)

My friends and I agreed with the reviews we had heard; this is a movie everyone should see.  Unfortunately, it acts as a mirror that shows us a pimple, and we don’t want to see it.  Nefarious will show most viewers some of their “pimples.” I’m sure the previewed R-rated movies we saw will likely have larger audiences than Nefarious, which further exhibits the need for this movie.  Oh well, perhaps the torture scenes will be emphasized in any Nefarious previews, and act as invites to those R-rated movie goers. 

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